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Through the ages the menstrual cycle has been experienced by women as the deep slow pulse, the ever-changing tempo of their lives until menopause.

How menstruators have understood, enjoyed or suffered this rhythm has varied wildly with time and place and personal circumstances.

The fruit of the menstrual cycle is each one of us, and yet contemporary research shows attitudes, experiences and judgements skewing dramatically to the negative, frequently characterised by shame, silence, isolation and a shocking lack of basic information. This is equally true for menopause.

The purpose of the Chalice Foundation is to challenge these negative cultural norms, provide quality menstrual education for diverse settings and groups, and to support menstrual educators.

How can we help you today?

We are menstrual educators

who have been offering a positive menstrual education model through our programs in schools and communities since 2000.

This includes an understanding of menstrual shame and fostering shame resilience, the social and emotional features of our menstrual cultural inheritance, and how this is perpetuated today.

We aim to foster society-wide transformation of shame and silence, isolation and ignorance with positive menstrual education programs, a new holistic model of menstrual wellbeing and support for menstrual educators.


Blog posts, interviews, reviews,

opinion pieces, stories and academic reports from diverse authors. The Leak seeks to shine a light in to the shadowy and neglected taboo-lands of all things menstrual, and, through this trove, help to dispel fear, create camaraderie, promote understanding, and support self-care and advocacy.

Sympatico with the growing movement of menstrual activists, philanthropists and educators, through The Leak we aim to contribute to building a world in which the nuances of menstrual wellbeing are well understood, valued, and normalised.


This groundbreaking publication

makes the case for menstrual revolution as an essential key to unlocking gender equity. Thousands of women and girls shared their experience of menstruation and menopause. The results were clear. Shame. Stigma. Humiliation. Disgust. Negative attitudes are pervasive, entrenched, and harmful.

About Bloody Time digs deep into the menstrual taboo: where it exists, how it came to be and why it’s so resilient. Our culture asks women and girls to view their bodies through a prism of negativity and fear. But, as with all cultural constructs, this is not inevitable and is utterly changeable, as shown in the practical and eminently doable Call to Action.

This publication is the result on an ongoing partnership between The Chalice Foundation and the Dudgdale Trust for Women & Girls.


Menstruation and Menopause wellbeing in the workplace - coming soon