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Chalice Foundation Report 2021

Find out what we’ve been up to in 2021!  How would you like to get involved in 2022?  Let’s have a chat soon.

Post-School Period Survey Report

During her time as an intern at the Victorian Women’s Trust in 2020-21, and in consultation with the Chalice Foundation, Georgia Shepherd created the Post-School Survey asking recent school leavers about their experience of menstrual education. The findings of this red hot report confirm and greatly expand those published in About Bloody Time regarding the experience of those recently at school.

Menstruation Matters

In March 2019, Helen Connolly, South Australia’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, released her Menstruation Matters report – an in-depth exploration of the impact menstruation has on South Australian school aged children and young people who have periods. As one of the first reports to explore the issue in depth, it makes the argument that because of the wide-ranging impact menstruation has on children and young people, the onus is on all sectors of society – government, education, business, health, and community – to recognise menstrual wellbeing and dignity as a systemic issue that is fundamental to children’s rights, central to economic productivity, and crucial to achieving gender equity across the State and Nation. Children and young people have told the Commissioner they want the social, economic, cultural and environmental barriers relating to menstruation to stop impacting negatively on their lives, both while they’re in school and across society more broadly. They have made it clear that improved health outcomes require better menstruation education, universal access to period products, and adequate provision of facilities that enable safe and easy management of periods while at school. By addressing these needs the stigma and taboo that surrounds menstruation will also decline. To download the report visit:

Improving Victoria’s Menstrual Education: A Research Paper

Sitting alongside the Post-School Period Survey Report in this paper Georgia Shepherd provides the research and literature review that gives a powerful foundational context for the survey, and an extensive explanation for why we need to take a closer look at the current menstrual education available in secondary schools, and what needs to happen next.

Celebration Day for Girls Survey Review and Recommendations 2016 – 2021

Key qualitative and quantitative data from participants of Celebration Day for Girls 2016 – 2021.

As a teacher and a woman I found the Celebration Day for Girls both informative and empowering. The girl’s responses were excited and curious; feeling confident and comfortable to ask any type of question. Overall, the day created a tighter sisterhood amongst myself and the girls. It took away the period taboo and made the girls feel calm and relaxed about discussing it with me and asking me questions they may have once felt awkward to ask. When the mothers and significant female friends arrived, the room was abuzz, I felt connected to everyone in the room and felt so close to the girls. The facilitators were incredible at facilitating this day. The girls are still talking about it!


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